Sunday, 26 January 2014

Closer and closer

This year Bo began ski lessons. They ask that kids be 4 years old before they begin, but we figured he could handle it. We were half right. The same way we were half right about Bo and skating. Physically, he could do just about anything. However, he still has some growing to do when it comes to converting complex instructions into action. Give him 4 things to do in succession and it's simply not going to happen. If the instructor said 'Bo, go to the bottom of the hill' things would move along much faster. Still, he is having fun and he improves with each class. He should be doing his pizzas down the hill by winter's end.

William on the other hand is rocking his ski lessons. He can, and has, skied hills that are more challenging but I suppose for teaching purposes the green hills are the way to go. Next year Josh will be on the boards. Provided they make helmets that fit fire hydrants with hair. Jill and I are almost at the point where we can begin to dream of skiing ourselves......

William on the move

Touching the knees

Reach for the sky

Bo and his dedicated, teenage-girl instructor

Bo enjoying having a dedicated, teenage-girl instructor

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