Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Potty Time

It was a rough weekend.

At first Bo was very excited to ditch the diapers and don his new Tigger underwear. It stopped about there. 

The potty seemed more like a new place to sit as opposed to the new place for doing business.

Of course reality set in when magically a puddle appeared below his feet -- Hey, where did that come from??? And eeewwww, I feel yucky and wet! 

After a few more puddles and doing the Cowboy "wet-walk", it started to dawn on Bo that he was responsible for this yellow liquid throwing a monkey wrench into his daily activities. 

I honestly can't remember at what point he figured out the potty was the place for the puddles, but when he did, whooah-ho, smartie time!!!

So that was #1....

#2 was delayed as loooooong as possible. But as you can imagine, drinking a ton of milk and eating bags of smarties made things a little uncomfortable down there. I wonder now, maybe we should have given him chocolate covered espresso beans?

But #2 did come. There was no going back. And Bo did us proud. William was an excellent wing man, seemingly even more proud than the Bo Man himself. 

Joshua had no clue what was going on and preferred lazing on Jud's laundry with his blocks.

Yes, the laundry was clean.

This blog post was sponsored by tylenol, bailey's irish cream, smarties, toys r us, and an infinite amount of patience.

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