Saturday, 30 November 2013

Canadian Boys

As I peak out the window from the room we now refer to as the den, I see two pairs of black boots scurrying back and forth along the snow bank in front of the house. Our large fir tree is still carrying the burden left by a recent storm and, laden down, it obscures William and Bo from view. I do not, however, need to see them to know what they are about.

Sticks are most certainly involved. They will initially be used as pry bars so that snow bricks, required for the fort walls, can be torn out of the snow bank. Next, they will become swords as the new walls are defended from people simply labelled as "bad guys"(We are constantly under attack). In time, the sticks will be turned on each other and one, perhaps both, will suffer a minor flesh wound (Bo is getting sneaky in a fight). Playtime will then be over. For the moment though, bricks are being stacked and there is peace. Both inside the house and out.

The weather, the cold, is not a factor. They are young Canadian boys. Cold is not considered a deterrent. It is viewed as an opportunity. The cold brings a slew of new 'bad guys' who need to be dealt with.

Winter remains my favourite time of year.

1 comment:

  1. Kev and I just read this. We love to read your stuff (no pressure). Have you any time to jot down those rad shop stories? Put them up here. Start working on them between stories of the boys....flesh them out. Develop your characters who may meet in a novel someday?
