Wednesday, 19 June 2013


William is now on a soccer team. I use the word 'team' loosely as there is rarely any concerted effort to work together towards a common goal, like scoring, but they do wear the same jersey. So they are, from cotton/polyester blend standpoint, a team. They are called the Robins.

While we would like William to enjoy and thrive at athletics we really don't care if he does. If he has fun and gets some exercise we are happy. Around the house he is an extremely competitive little boy. His printing and math need to be perfect. He needs to win every board game that he plays and when we play baseball in the backyard the only pitches that count are the ones he hits. On the soccer field however, the 'us versus them' concept eludes him. He's a happy puppy who runs after people instead of the ball, falls down on purpose, shakes his fist in mock anger when the other team scores and who gets stuck in the mesh when playing goalie (it took two of us to get his fingers out). The most passion I've seen from him was when he thought I was eating his granola bar on the sidelines.

He takes water breaks whenever he wishes, expects a sticker from his young female coach after every practice and asks me to remind him to poo when we get home. It's not exactly World Cup stuff. I don't know if he'll be an athlete. He has the physical tools to do well should he wish. Right now he's just a goofy, 4 year old boy.

1 comment:

  1. If he plays through the summer, we are definitely coming to watch a game. He looks so professional though...deceiving.... :)
