Friday, 4 January 2013

a new year and all that

Happy 2013. Wow. That year went turbo fast. Babies tend to speed up time I think. Josh is now 9 months old...

I don't know about you but I'm really feeling time these days. Maybe having kids does that to you. You feel like you have less of everything -- money, energy, patience, food, but especially time. More and more I feel those sands of time slipping through the hourglass and a heaviness in my chest to just get stuff done.


I'm sure we could all get in better shape but the kicker I think in setting goals is to set a deadline. So, Jud and I made a list of all the things we'd like to accomplish this year and then put an end date for when it will *hopefully* get done. 

A big one for me is to get 3 scripts written. It is doable however it'll mean going offline for awhile, disappearing into a writing 'cave' and essentially writing. 

For those of you reading this who went to Woodbridge Farms Elementary school with me, you'll remember Mr. Cromie, our vice-principal. Mr. Cromie was da man. Hands down, he was he most liked teacher, no, he was the most liked human in that school. Everybody wanted Mr. Cromie for their math teacher or their P.E. teacher, or just someone to shoot the sh*t with. 

I have never forgotten the latin words for the Great Horned Owl -- Bubo virginianus -- Mr. Cromie's favourite animal, and I've also never forgotten a phrase he wrote down on the chalkboard in Grade 5 math:  If it is to be, it is up to me.

He told us to never forget those ten simple words and I haven't. Thanks Mr. C.

As for Jud's list, it isn't terribly exciting. Mainly stuff around the house (painting, new deck, more painting) and helping me with the scripts in the various stages of writing them.

But there is one and I *hope* Jud gets it done. It involves some creative writing and a contest run by the CBC. 

Those of you who know Jud know what a great writer he is. Even if you don't know him, from the few posts he's written, I think his voice is conveyed really well.

Now I may be a little biased but as writer who reads a lot of professional and amateur work, a strong voice that conveys emotion in as few words as possible is a rarity. If I had to boil Jud's "voice" down to one word it would be heart.

Jud has the ability to infuse his words with emotion that will make you smile, laugh, cry, giggle...essentially feel which is what writing is all about. 

The contest is nonfiction and Jud has this hilarious, almost too crazy to be true, story that has to be told. The world needs to hear this story Jud ;)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read the story, Jud! Can you give us a hint of what you will be writing about? I am extremely curious (better not involve me...I have children now :). xo
